Looking For An Authors Note Example?

By amy wilson

editor and writing teacher.

If you’re looking for an authors note example, you’ve come to the right place. But first, let’s define the topic of this article. The authors note is a section sometimes included in the front matter or the back matter of a book, explaining the author’s thoughts and intentions for the work. 

It can serve as a platform for the author to explain their creative process and offer insight into their perspective. For a nonfiction book, it can also detail the author’s connection to the subject matter. Writing an effective author’s note can be tricky. But it’s worth putting effort into getting right, as this will likely be one of the first things that readers (or literary agents, or publishers, if you’re still submitting) will encounter when they open your book. 

Let’s dive into an authors note example, then unpack the ingredients and best practices of the authors note.

Show Me an Authors Note Example

An author's note is a brief introduction written by the author which explains why they wrote their book or manuscript and what inspired them to do so. It usually appears in the front or back matter of books or manuscripts, or in the back matter for picture books. In nonfiction works, it also serves as a way for authors to discuss their research methods and provide additional context for readers. In fiction works, it can reveal interesting information about characters or plot points that didn't make their way into the pages of the story. This can help readers better understand the text and its themes while providing insight into the author's thought processes behind certain decisions made during writing.

If you’re searching for an authors note example, simply check out your own bookshelf. Authors notes are everywhere and once you start looking for them, you’ll find plenty of wonderful and successful examples.

authors note example

What Kind of Content Goes in an Authors Note Example?

The content within an authors note example should be tailored specifically to each individual project, but some general guidelines do apply. If you're writing a nonfiction work, you may want to include information about your research process and the sources used throughout your writing journey. This is especially true if you originated your own research and data set.

In fiction works, you could use the authors note space to explain why you chose certain characters or settings for your story, or discuss how you developed certain plot points. Ultimately though, whatever content you choose should help readers gain further insight into the motivations behind your particular work.

How Should I Write My Authors Note Example?

When writing your own authors note example, there are several key elements that you’d do well to include. First off, introduce yourself! Add any relevant information that would give readers insight into who you are as an artist/writer—such as where you live, where you grew up, what inspired you to create this particular piece, etc. Make sure to keep this relevant and brief, though, like you would a query letter author biography.

Additionally, try not to get too bogged down in details but instead focus on what you desperately want or need readers to know. If you feel like you have more to say, you can always put an expanded author bio or authors note on your website or other social media platforms for writers

Lastly, make sure that all sections of your authors note example are properly formatted with correct grammar, mechanics, and spelling. If possible, incorporate quotes from other writers or artists who have influenced you, along with images, if prudent. These small touches can really bring life and authenticity to your finished product, as long as you have license to use them or they fall under fair use.

Here’s An Authors Note Example

We’ve been a bit coy about providing an authors note example, so here’s one about a made-up project, by a made-up writer. Read this and consider whether you’re overthinking your authors note. It really doesn't have to be a writing challenge!

This book was inspired by my own experiences growing up in small-town America and my desire to explore how our past shapes our present lives. Writing has always been my outlet for expressing my feelings and thoughts on life, so this project was especially special for me. I wanted to share with others how we all have stories worth telling, no matter where we come from. – John Smith 

Notice that this authors note example includes some inspirational or thematic content. It’s a good thing to make an emotional connection in your authors note. The authors note can be a great tool for connecting with readers on a personal level, oftentimes before your audience even begins reading your work. A well-written authors note example can strengthen the text itself, if not the reader’s impression of the entire package. 

Hopefully you now feel comfortable creating an authors note example that will effectively communicate your ideas … and a sense of yourself. The good news is that you can always go back to this document and revise it. Sometimes it’s helpful to write the first (in terms of table of contents) part last.

unlock your writing potential

As an agented writer and highly experienced editor, Amy Wilson can quickly identify strengths and opportunities for growth in your plot and prose, help you build a compelling submission package, and provide the encouragement you need to reach your writing goals. Take your writing to the next level with Amy’s professional eye.