Working With Copy Editors

By amy wilson

editor and writing teacher.

You’ve likely heard about the benefits of working with professional copy editors—but you might not be sure what this work entails. While some writers are ready and eager to work with copy editors as soon as they finish revising, others may need more information before they can make the most of this collaboration. In this article, I’ll explore exactly what professional copy editors can do for writers, and how being prepared for this kind of rigorous collaboration can help your writing reach its full potential.

What Professional Copy Editors Do For Writers

At its core, working with professional copy editors means having an experienced eye on your writing—feedback from someone who can provide constructive writing notes on your story or nonfiction piece so that it’s as polished as possible before you pursue publication. Professional copy editors have experience in the publishing industry and know what it takes to get a book into readers’ hands. (It should go without saying that you should be looking for copy editors who specialize in your particular type of project or topic.)

When you work with professional copy editors, they will review your work with an eye toward improving structure, flow, pacing, clarity, grammar, spelling, formatting—essentially anything that impacts how well your piece communicates its message (and how willing readers will be to engage with it, as clarity is king). 

This process typically consists of two rounds of edits. In the first round, copy editors will point out any major issues or problems in the text that need attention. In the second round (or “revision”), copy editors will address any remaining issues that weren’t addressed in the first round and make final corrections. (Some copy editors include both rounds in one scope of work, and others charge for these separately. Learn more about hiring an editor here.) Depending on a copy editor’s editing style and your needs as a writer, they may also provide additional resources such as books or websites that could be helpful during revisions.

copy editors

Are You Ready To Work With Professional Copy Editors?

Working with professional copy editors is not for everyone—if you aren’t prepared for detailed critiques and don't want to take the time to revise according to rigorous feedback, then professional editing might not be a fit for you just yet. 

That said, if you are mature enough in your craft, have experience receiving writing notes, and feel like taking on editorial advice can help your writing reach new heights—then professional copy editors can help you reach the next level in your craft!  

It's important to note that not all copy editors are created equal. There are many different types of editing services available, so make sure you research which one is right for your project before committing to working with someone.

\Working with professional copy editors is an important part of becoming a successful author or self-publisher. An experienced editor can offer valuable insight into improving structure and clarity, all while taking into account industry standards for formatting and grammar. However, it's important to make sure you're prepared before committing to working with someone. Make sure you’ve put yourself through a critique group or at least one round of revision and self-editing before you invest in the work of copy editors.

unlock your writing potential

As an agented writer and highly experienced editor, Amy Wilson can quickly identify strengths and opportunities for growth in your plot and prose, help you build a compelling submission package, and provide the encouragement you need to reach your writing goals. Take your writing to the next level with Amy’s professional eye.