What Do Developmental Editors Do?

By kristen overman

editor and writing teacher.

If you’re a writer, then you’ve probably heard of developmental editors. But what exactly is a developmental editor, and how can they help you take your writing to the next level? Let’s break down this important type of editor, who they are, and how they can help improve your writing.

What Do Developmental Editors Do?

Developmental editors are experts in helping writers understand the structure of their work and providing guidance on opportunities for growth. They focus on analyzing the overall arc of a story or book as well as its individual components such as plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, etc. 

Developmental editors will provide feedback and suggestions on how to make your writing more powerful and engaging for readers. This could include tips on how to strengthen characters or pacing, create tension or suspense in scenes, and add more interesting descriptions or details about settings.

How Can Developmental Editors Help Your Writing?

Developmental editors can be incredibly helpful to writers who want to produce work that stands out from the crowd but don’t know where to start. Developmental editing can help you gain valuable insights into strengths and weaknesses in your manuscript while also giving you direction on where to go next with your project. It’s like having an experienced mentor looking over your shoulder as you write.

Developmental editors also provide invaluable guidance when it comes time for revising and polishing your final product before submitting it for publication or distribution. They can help ensure that all aspects of the book are working together cohesively towards achieving the desired goal—which is ultimately getting published. Good developmental editors will always have their eye on the big picture so that minor issues don’t become major ones later down the road.

Considering Getting Developmental Editors On Your Team?

If you’re serious about taking your writing career to the next level, then hiring developmental editors should definitely be part of your plan. Not only will they provide invaluable feedback on areas that need improvement but they also serve as mentors who can guide you through what can often be an overwhelming process. So if you want to get published one day—or even just write better—then know that developmental editors are standing by to help.

elevate your writing

Are you ready to take your story to the next level? Kristen Overman is here to help you! She's an experienced editor with expertise in middle grade and young adult fiction, picture books, adult fiction, and memoir. She can work with you to develop your plot, characters, and narrative voice, as well as assist in the brainstorming and outlining stages of your project.